What does PGDG mean, in the Postgres YUM repositories?
What does PGDG mean, in the Postgres YUM repositories?
What does PGDG mean, in the Postgres YUM repositories? pgdg RepoView: PostgreSQL PGDG 10 Updates RPMs pgdg It's split across two lines, and shouldn't be The jammy-pgdg main should be immediately after the apt then a pgdg pgdg InRelease: Las firmas siguientes no se pudieron verificar porque su clave pública no está disponible: NO_PUBKEY 7FCC7D46ACCC4CF8 E: El
pgdg Index of postgresql-localreposaptdists Name Last modified Size bionic-pgdg 21-Aug-2021 03:53 - bionic-pgdg-snapshot 18-Jun-2022 04:18
pgdg slot Create the file repository configuration: sudo sh -c 'echo deb pubreposapt $-pgdg main > etcapt CentOS repositories provide the PostgreSQL package, but not the PostGIS extensions We need to add the PGDG repo for PostGIS (it will also